How to Clean and Preserve Metal Detecting Finds


Metal detecting can be a fascinating hobby, offering the thrill of discovering hidden treasures and relics from the past. However, the joy of unearthing these finds is often followed by the challenge of cleaning and preserving them properly. At JZXR, where we specialize in advanced food industry metal detectors, food X-ray inspection systems, checkweighers, particle and tablet metal separators, and pipeline metal detectors, we understand the importance of maintaining the integrity of metal objects. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to clean and preserve your metal detecting finds to ensure they remain in excellent condition for years to come.

1. Initial Cleaning: Removing Surface Dirt

After discovering a metal object, the first step is to gently remove any loose dirt and debris. Use a soft brush, such as a toothbrush, to carefully brush away the dirt. Avoid using hard brushes or abrasive materials that can scratch the surface of the metal.

2. Soaking the Finds

For more stubborn dirt, soaking the find in water can help loosen the grime. Use distilled water to avoid any chemical reactions with the metal. Let the item soak for a few hours or overnight, then gently brush away the loosened dirt. For non-ferrous metals like gold and silver, you can add a mild dish soap to the water.

3. Cleaning Solutions for Different Metals

Different metals require different cleaning solutions:

  • Iron and Steel: Use a solution of white vinegar and water to remove rust. Soak the item for a few hours, then scrub with a brush.
  • Copper and Bronze: Use lemon juice or a solution of baking soda and water. Apply the solution with a cloth or brush, then rinse thoroughly.
  • Silver: Use a mixture of baking soda and water to form a paste. Apply the paste with a soft cloth and gently rub the surface. Rinse and dry thoroughly.

4. Electrolysis for Rust Removal

For heavily rusted iron objects, electrolysis can be an effective cleaning method. This process uses an electrical current to break down rust. It's a more advanced technique that requires careful handling and specific equipment, including a power source, electrolyte solution, and electrodes. Always follow safety guidelines when performing electrolysis.

5. Preserving and Protecting Finds

After cleaning, it’s essential to preserve and protect your finds:

  • Dry Thoroughly: Ensure the item is completely dry to prevent further corrosion. Use a soft cloth and air drying for best results.
  • Apply Protective Coatings: Apply a thin layer of microcrystalline wax or a specialized metal preservative to protect against oxidation and moisture. This is particularly important for metals like iron and copper.
  • Store Properly: Store your finds in a dry, stable environment. Use airtight containers or display cases with silica gel packets to control humidity. Avoid storing different metals together to prevent any chemical reactions.

6. Special Considerations for Valuable Finds

If you discover a particularly valuable or historically significant item, consider consulting a professional conservator. They have the expertise and equipment to clean and preserve delicate artifacts without damaging them.

7. Regular Maintenance

Regularly check your finds for signs of deterioration or corrosion. If you notice any changes, clean and reapply protective coatings as necessary. Regular maintenance will help ensure your finds remain in good condition.

Cleaning and preserving metal detecting finds is an essential part of the hobby, allowing you to enjoy and appreciate your discoveries for years to come. By following these steps, you can ensure that your metal objects are well-maintained and protected. At JZXR, we understand the value of preserving metal objects, whether they are part of a hobby or crucial components in the food industry. Our advanced metal detection and inspection systems are designed to ensure the highest standards of quality and safety. For more information on our products and how they can benefit your operations, visit our website or contact our team today.
